563 research outputs found

    NAMA SAMARAN DALAM PROFIL FACEBOOK REMAJA : Kajian Semantik Tentang Makna Referensial Nama Samaran dalam Profil Facebook Sebagai Identitas Diri Remaja

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    Penamaan merupakan proses identifikasi segala benda/peristiwa dalam realita yang dialami manusia. Penamaan tersebut melibatkan bahasa sebagai lambang, dan benda sebagai referensinya. Bila bahasa dipandang sebagai sebuah sistem tanda maka praktik penamaan tiada lain adalah upaya simbolisasi objek dengan menggunakan satuan bahasa. Dalam simbol berupa satuan bahasa tersebut termuat makna yang bisa dipahami secara logis dengan cara mencocokkan apa yang diistilahkan Ogden dan Richards sebagai “konteks psikologis” (reference) dengan “konteks fisikal” (referent). Praktik penamaan orang termasuk salahsatu contoh simbolisasi objek yang dapat menggambarkan identitas seseorang. Nama merupakan identitas pribadi yang spesial dan unik yang menginformasikan serta menjelaskan keberadaan orang tersebut. Secara umum penelitian yang berjudul Nama Samaran dalam Profil Facebook Remaja(Kajian Semantik Tentang Makna Referensial Nama Samaran dalam Profil Facebook Sebagai Identitas Diri Remaja)ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi perubahan-perubahan fonologis, mengidentifikasi makna nama samaran, serta menjelaskan bagaimana makna nama samaran itu dapat menggambarkan identitas diri remaja. Peneliti mengidentifikasi perubahan fonologis dengan membandingkan nama samaran profil facebook dengan nama yang dimaksud oleh pemiliknya. Pendekatan referensian digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan makna nama samaran profil facebookdengan cara menganalisis komponen-komponennya.Penelitian ini berhasil menggambarkan perubahan fonologis, menemukan delapan makna nama samaran, dan identitas diri remaja yang terdapat dalam nama samaran profil facebook, yaitu identitas vokasional, identitas intelektual, identitas politis, identitas spiritual/agamis, identitas hubungan, identitas jender, identitas etnis, identitas fisik, dan identitas kepribadian. Identitas diri yang terdapat dalam nama samaran profil facebook remaja memberikan informasi-informasi mengenai karakter-karakter remaja, kedudukan remaja dalam suatu kelompok atau keanggotaan tertentu, status dan hubungan remaja dengan keluarganya, sesamanya, dan dengan masyarakat.Hasil penelitian ini pun bahkan dapat menidentifikasi permasalahan-permasalan yangtengah dihadapi remaj


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui lebih baik manakah siswa yang belajar futsal melalui pendekatan bermain dengan menggunakan bola plastik dan bola standar terhadap kemampuan passing di SMA Negeri 1 Cicalengka. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah True Experimental design. Desain penelitian Pre-Test, Post-Test Control Group Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMA Negeri 1 Cicalengka yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler futsal, sedangkan sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 20 orang siswa yang diambil melalui teknik simple random sampling (teknik penentuan sampel yang dilakukan secara acak). Hasil tes keterampilan bermain, pengujian data-data tersebut diperoleh angka thitung sebesar 0,1667 dan ttabel 1,734 pada tingkat kepercayaan atau taraf signifikansi α = 0,05 dengan dk (n1+n2-2) = 18, harga t1-0,05 (1,734). kriteria pengujian adalah, Ho ditolak jika t < t 1-α. Ternyata, thitung berada pada daerah penolakan, jadi Ho ditolak, maka pengujian tersebut signifikan. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan dan analisis data, disimpulkan bahwa Penggunaan alat bola standar melalui pendekatan bermain lebih memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap hasil belajar passing pada siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMA Negeri 1 Cicalengka. ---------- The Purpose of this study is to determine the better between students which learn futsal using a plastic ball and a standard ball on the passing ability of SMA Negeri I Cicalengka. This Research using the method True Experimental Design. Researching Pre Test, Post-Test Control Group Design. The population in this research were all SMA Negeri I Cicalengka Students that follows Futsal Club, meanwhile for sample in this research were 20 students who were taken by simple random sampling. Based on the test of skill results, testing of the data obtained thitung 0,1667 higher than ttabel 1,734 in the level of trusted or significance level α = 0,05 with dk (n1+n2-2) = 18, value t1-0,05 (1,734). The criteria of testing was Ho rejected if t > t 1-α. The result is, thitung was in the rejecting area, so Ho was rejected, then this test is significant. Based on the processing and the analysis data, it was concluded that approaching play through standard ball give more significant impact on the results of passing ability to the students that follows futsal club of SMA Negeri I Cicalengka


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    Strategies in Maintaining Financial Sustainability of National Health Insurance Under A Single-payer System in Indonesia, Taiwan, and Canada: A Comparative Study

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    Health care is one of the basic human needs and also human rights, which relate directly to determining ones’ quality of life. In the past decades, health care advances, demographic shifting, and health-related lifestyle have been influencing the demand and supply of healthcare in every country. Some people have been struggling and sometimes became poor because they should pay for their health care services. Thus, most countries have been developing universal health coverage, which design to protect peoples’ financial burden as well as furnishing a better quality of care for its population. Designing and maintaining a single-payer public healthcare system is complicated and requires multiple cooperation from stakeholders. Indonesia, Taiwan, and Canada are among countries that implemented this particular system. One of the fundamental elements in administering this type of scheme is financial sustainability, which frequently tends to be a problem since it requires commitment from the government as the payer, healthcare facilities as the provider, and also the population as the user. Lesson learned from the three countries has shown that there are at least three components that ensure the financial sustainability of social health insurance under a single-payer system. First, a sufficient amount of revenue collected to finance health expenditure. Particularly for Indonesia, premium structure and calculation possibly become a significant concern when compared to Taiwan National Health Insurance (NHI). Second, the implementation of adequate prospective payments such as global health and the arrangement of co-payment. Third, designed and supporting systems such as innovation through a health information system and the strong commitment from boards or committees explicitly designed to support the performance of NHI


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    Objective: This study aims to prepare sterile gel containing aloe vera (AV) powder and evaluate its physicochemical properties after sterilization by gamma radiation. Methods: The gel was prepared using carbomer as stabilizer, and sterilized by gamma radiation. The physical stability was evaluated including organoleptic, pH, viscosity and sterilization. Furthermore, malic acid concentration was determined as a marker compound contained in the gel. Results: The gel was successfully prepared containing 20% AV powder and 25% carbomer. The physical properties including organoleptic, pH and viscosity were not significantly changed after sterilization, and also stable even after 28 storage days. Meanwhile, malic acid concentration before and after sterilization were 47.2 mg/ml and 43.9 mg/ml, respectively. This showed the physicochemical properties were not significantly different after sterilization. Conclusion: Gamma radiation is suitable to sterilize gel containing AV powder


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    Solubility of the drug has a strong influence to achieve higher bioavailability of the drug in systemic circulation. More than 70% NCEs (new chemical entities) are hydrophobic, and practically difficult into solid formulation due to their poor water solubility. Mesoporous silicas (MSP) have been used for drug delivery system, especially for poorly water-soluble drugs. Encapsulation and interaction of drugs in MSP can enhance the delivery and maintain the stability of the drug. However, the characterization of the drug in MSP is necessary to confirm its molecular state. In this review, we present an overview of reports related to the characterization of drug encapsulated into MSP. Encapsulation of drugs in MSP can prevent recrystallization of drugs due to its inhibition of crystal nucleation. A porous material in MSP can maintain the drug in a physically stable amorphous state. The preventing of drug crystallization in MSP can enhance the solubility and the dissolution rate of drug. Therefore, in this work, attempts have been made to understand the molecular state of the drug in MSP. The physicochemical characterization of drug by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), powder x-ray diffraction (PXRD) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were discussed. The effect of solvent and methods of drug loading and the effect of the shape of MSP on release profiles are also presented. Overall, this review provides information about the characterization of drug encapsulated into MSP which will be useful in pharmaceutical formulation development

    Identifikasi proses perambahan lahan pada Kawasan sempadan rel kereta api

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    Lahan sempadan Rel Kereta Api merupakan salah satu kawasan lindung yang fungsi guna lahannya terus mengalami pergeseran terutama lahan sempadan rel yang terdapat di wilayah perkotaan. Pergeseran fungsi guna lahan terjadi seiring waktu dan kebudayaan manusia yang terus berkembang. Sebagai bentuk dari kawasan lindung, pergeseran fungsi guna lahan yang terjadi pada sempadan rel merupakan wujud dari aksi perambahan lahan yang seharusnya dipinggirkan dan tidak boleh diusahakan. Aksi perambahan lahan sempadan rel kereta api yang terjadi tidak dapat dipisahkan dari peran PT KAI dan serta lemahnya institusi pemerintah dalam mengeksekusi kebijakan yang ada. Sempadan rel kereta api di Kelurahan Ciptomulyo, semenjak tahun 1969 telah mengalami pergeseran fungsi guna lahan dalam beberapa fase perubahan dimulai setelah kejadian G30S PKI, lahan sempadan rel mulai dirambah/dibuka oleh pegawai PT KAI, awal kejadian terjadi sekitar tahun 1969, kemudian tahap perkembagan sekitar tahun 1960 -1970, perambahan semakin meningkat dan sekitar tahun 1970 – 1980 parambahan mengakibatkan pergeseran fungsi guna lahan sempadan rel menjadi kawasan hunian


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    This article aims to reveal the various patterns of cleft clause in Bahasa Indonesia and their meaning. The research data were taken from Indonesian translation of the Quran. The data here included all the cleft sentences in the source. They were then sorted and analyzed based on theories of cleft sentences of Indonesian and English. The results of the analysis show that the cleft sentences in Bahasa Indonesia are constructed in Predicate (P) – Subject (S), P-S-Adjunct (A), and P-A-S. In these patterns, the cleft sentences are the true cleft sentences. Besides, there are other constructions found, namely: S-P, S-P-A, A-S-P, and S-A-P. However, the sentences in the patterns make pseudo cleft. Both group are similar in terms of the elements and the presuposition they imply. The difference is only in the order in which the pseudo cleft put the focus at the back, or on the right side of the copula, which means the focused and its priority are slightly reduced. In Bahasa Indonesia, cleft sentence is not constituted by two clauses because its clefted constituent can stand by itself as a cleft noun/phrase (for example, “mereka”, “merekalah” or “adalah mereka”), without having to be put as a complement of a clause such as that of its English counterpart (“it is they”)

    Studi Logo Event (Acara) Di Daerah (Kajian Ikonografi: Studi Kasus Logo Karya Z. Hanafi di Sumatera Barat)

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    Logo’s event become an art medium to express an image of event. From elements of line, shape, colour,&nbsp; and typography which are composed unified, makes logo as a symbolic language. Logo can emphasize an identity of particular region from the diversity of local wisdom. West Sumatra which is in Minangkabau culture territority has its own concept on how human creativity reveal the messages. By a unique logo, it fulfills the aesthetic needs of society that interact people to participate the event. Theory of Iconography and Iconology reveal the meaning of logo from aesthetic aspect and aim behind the design. Zainul Hanafi is one of artist from West Sumatra that concern in graphic design.&nbsp; Hanafi means logo’s event in specific region must have a concept that representate the importance of each stakeholder. The representation emerge the uses of diverse colours and shapes. Overlaps, crowded icons and rousing. Although there are many logo with more simple shapes, actually it is a valid diversity
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